Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Spring Morning in the Universe

I've been thinking lately about perspective and orientation and how these terms might be used to shape the way I think about the term "God." As mentioned in my last entry, I feel that the term can still be used, but only when one is looking from a certain direction and trying to point out particular features of the world. I've imagined that our understandings of and appeals toward God are like yelling in a particular direction - or maybe even like the act of yelling itself. It's something done with a purpose or intent to raise attention to or about a certain condition.

To act upon this vein and this thread is a small flash in a great sea. The universe takes a gasp, cries its first cry. Perhaps there are thousands, millions of these cries going on throughout the cosmos - a chorus of chirps, buzzings, and hums - a spring morning in the universe. It is a spiral. It is out of control - a whirlwind birthing off eddies and swirls. Anima mundi.

Creativity evolves and thereby God evolves. God is not God at the beginning. In the beginning there only IS. When we howl, when we yell - then God is born because we have taken notice. We have sensed the mystery of the one and the many, the whole and the part, and must name it. But it is not separate.

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